Junior Wellington Floorball Open

Junior Wellington Floorball Open 2024

This year's JWFO will be held on the weekend of 12-13 October.

Watch this space for more information about registrations and updates on the event!

About the event

Saturday 12 October - Sunday 13 October


Players may play up ONE age grade but may only play in one team at the tournament.

Year 1/2
Played Saturday 7th October only - half day
Reduced court and goal size.
4v4, no goalies.
Team Cost: $100

Year 3/4
Played Saturday 7th October and Sunday 8th October only.
Reduced court and goal size.
4v4, plus goalies.
Team cost: $240

Year 5/6
Played Saturday 7th October and Sunday 8th October only.
Reduced court and goal size.
5v5, plus goalies.
Team cost: $240

Year 7/8
Played Friday 6th October, Saturday 7th October and Sunday 8th October.
Full sized court.
5v5 plus goalies.
Team cost: $350

Year 9/10
Played Friday 6th October, Saturday 7th October and Sunday 8th October.
Full sized court.
5v5 plus goalies.
Team cost: $350

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