Storm trainings

These are the Term 1 training slots for Wellington Storm players - you can register now if you haven't already.

Trainings take place at Ākau Tangi Sports Centre, unless stated otherwise - some WFL teams will train at St Pat's College for certain terms.

Junior trainings


Y1-6 primary training

Trainings for primary-age players in years 1-6

Friday 4pm - 5pm

Y7/8 training

Trainings for primary-age players in years 7/8

Tuesday 7pm - 8pm

Y9/10 training

Trainings for college-age players in years 9/10

Tuesday 7pm - 8pm

Y11-13 training

Trainings for college-age players in years 11-13

Tuesday 7pm - 8pm

Senior trainings


Social adults training

Trainings for adult players who don't play for a competitive (WFL) team.

Also open to those in year 11 and above if they'd prefer this training.

Tuesday 8pm - 9:30pm

WFL - all teams (mixed training)

Tuesday & Thursday 8pm - 9.30pm

Development trainings

Friday night development trainings are open to players in Storm teams (WFL and social) and players who attend social adult training.

Dates will be updated when training slots are confirmed.

Register for Wellington Storm leagues & events